70730059 控制臂
Part: 控制臂
OE: 70 73 0059
Unit: Control Arm
Catalog: 悬架
Make: 菲亚特
Description: Front axle, right
Incl. ball joint and bushing
For vehicles with power steering

PALIO (178BX) 1996/04 - /

PALIO (178BX) 1.0 1996-04-00
PALIO (178BX) 1.0 1996-04-00
PALIO (178BX) 1.2178E2.000 1998-06-00
PALIO (178BX) 1.4178B2.000 1996-04-00
PALIO (178BX) 1.4 CAT178B2.016 1996-04-00
PALIO (178BX) 1.5 1996-04-00 1998-06-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.6 16V178B3.000 1996-04-00
PALIO (178BX) 1.7 TD HL 2001-09-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.4 2003-06-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.1 1997-07-01 2003-10-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.3 2003-06-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.9 D 2000-09-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.5 2004-06-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.4 2005-10-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.6 1999-06-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.3 JTD Multijet 2003-06-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.7 TD ED 1997-07-01 2003-10-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.2178 B7.045 1997-07-01 2002-08-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.2178 E2.000 1999-06-00 2000-10-01
PALIO (178BX) 1.6178 D2..011 1997-07-00 2000-10-00
PALIO (178BX ) 1.2188 A5.000 2001-09-00

PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1996/04 - /

PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.2 (178DX.G1A)178B5.000 1996-04-00 2001-02-01
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.2 (178DYA1A)188A4.000 2001-02-00
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.6 16V (178DX.D1A)178B3.000 1996-04-00 2001-02-01
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.6 16V (178DYC1A06)182B6.000 2001-02-00
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.7 TD (178DX.H1A)176A3.000 1996-04-00 2001-03-01
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.9 D (178DYD1A07)223A6.000 2001-03-00
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.6 1997-07-01 2003-10-01
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.2 2001-09-01
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.5 2004-06-01
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.6 1997-07-01
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.9 JTD188 A2.000 2001-09-00 0000-00-00
PALIO Weekend (178DX) 1.4178 B2.000 1997-07-00 2001-08-01

NKBA18061 控制臂
NKBA 18061
Control Arm
51460SV4000 控制臂
Control Arm
13140038 控制臂
Control Arm
30639781 控制臂
3063 9781
Control Arm
NKBA13059 控制臂
NKBA 13059
Control Arm
545018H310 控制臂
Control Arm
30635229 控制臂
3063 5229
Control Arm
1633330001 控制臂
163 333 00 01
Control Arm
1K0407152AC 控制臂
1K0 407 152 AC
Control Arm
7736514 控制臂
Control Arm
